Sonamura, January 13, 2024: In a successful joint operation conducted by Sonamura police and BSF personnel of N.C. Nagar BOP, a woman has been apprehended with 1000 Yaba tablets and a sum of one lakh eighty thousand along with two hundred Bangladeshi Taka in cash.
The detained individual has been identified as Nahim Akhtar, a 23-year-old resident of N.C. Nagar village. Police sources reveal that Akhtar was attempting to smuggle the illicit tablets into neighboring Bangladesh.
A case has been registered against Nahim Akhtar under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act at the Sonamura police station. The collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies have led to a successful interception, preventing the illegal trafficking of drugs across borders.
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