Agartala, January 12, 2024: Tripura’s Chief Minister, Professor (Dr.) Manik Saha, led the state’s celebrations for National Youth Day, also known as Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, today, January 12, 2024. The event took place at the Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan in Agartala at 2:00 PM.
Joining the Chief Minister were other dignitaries, including ministers Tinku Roy and Sudhanshu Das, and the Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation, Deepak Majumder. The event likely featured speeches, cultural performances, and other activities to honor the legacy of Swami Vivekananda and his message for the youth.
Swami Vivekananda was a renowned Indian spiritual leader and philosopher who is celebrated for his contributions to Hinduism and his influence on youth throughout the world. National Youth Day was established in India to commemorate his birthday and encourage young people to follow his ideals of service, leadership, and self-awareness.
Chief Minister Saha’s presence at the celebration highlights the importance National Youth Day holds in Tripura. The event likely attracted many young people eager to learn from Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and contribute to their communities.
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