New Delhi, December 24: Under fire BJP MP Pratap Simha, after two men breached Parliament security to enter Lok Sabha after procuring passes from him, said he rests his trust on the people of his constituency.Responding to a poster of Simha with a bomb in his hand and “Deshdrohi” (traitor) written on it, Simha said, “People know what I am and they will decide that in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.”
After the Parliament breach incident, several organisations in Karnataka staged protests against the Mysuru MP and an organisation put up a poster claiming Simha as a traitor.He said: “Goddess Chamundeshwari, Mother Kaveri, people who have been reading my columns for the last 20 years, people of Mysore and Kodagu who have seen my work in the last 20 years will decide if I’m a traitor or a nation lover. They will decide in the April 2024 elections. They are the ones to judge if I’m a traitor or a patriot.”
Earlier, when Simha met the Lok Sabha Speaker, he told that the father of the accused, Sagar Sharma, resides in his constituency, Mysuru, and had requested the pass to visit the new Parliament building.He also informed the Speaker that he had no additional information apart from what he shared.After it was revealed that Sagar Sharma entered Lok Sabha using a visitor pass issued under Pratap Simha’s name, Congress workers held a protest outside his office in Mysuru.
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