On Sunday, dated 29/10/2023, a shocking incident has come to light in Dharmnagar, where a mother has filed a complaint against the Imam of Shakibari Mosque, Rahamuddin, alleging sexual assault on her daughter. The case has sparked outrage and prompted a police investigation. According to the details provided, Rahamuddin, the Imam of Shakibari Mosque, situated in Dharmnagar, is at the center of a disturbing controversy. It is alleged that he had engaged in an intimate relationship with an underage girl from the neighboring state of Assam’s Barak Valley.
Over the course of the last 1.5 years, their relationship had grown, and the Imam had promised the girl that he would marry her. The incident took a distressing turn on a fateful Saturday when the topic of their physical relationship came to light. The girl’s mother, upon discovering the situation, took immediate action. She caught Rahamuddin and her daughter in a compromising position, and fearing the situation would escalate, the Imam fled the scene. In the wake of this alarming discovery, the victim’s mother wasted no time in reporting the incident to the Dharmnagar Women’s Police Station. She accused Rahamuddin of not only sexual assault but also of subjecting her daughter to violence. The complaint has set off a chain of events involving both Dharmnagar police and Nilambazar police in Assam, as they have now launched an investigation into the matter.
The Imam, Rahamuddin, is currently evading authorities, adding to the urgency of the investigation. This incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the need for prompt and decisive action. The police investigation is ongoing, and the local community is closely following the developments of this case.
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