Tripura Transport Minister Sushanta Chowdhury on Wednesday chaired a review meeting today regarding the launch of e-bus services and the installation of ‘Multimodal Intercharge’ services at various bus depots in Agartala city.During the meeting, Minister Chowdhury announced that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious project, the PM e-bus service, is set to be launched in several cities nationwide in the near future
“To realize the Prime Minister’s vision, 10,000 e-buses will be introduced in different cities across the country. The Prime Minister’s goal is to simultaneously enhance the transportation system while reducing pollution. To achieve this, the central government is initiating the ‘PM E bus service.’ Besides Agartala, the government intends to introduce e-buses in other cities as well. It’s imperative to enhance the infrastructure of various bus depots to ensure seamless usage of e-buses,” he emphasized.
Minister Chowdhury also highlighted the need for additional buses in certain areas of Agartala, emphasizing that discussions on infrastructure deficiencies were thoroughly addressed during the meeting.”If this e-bus transport service is extended to other cities, including the capital Agartala, residents will enjoy improved services. This will enhance the overall quality of life for the public. The launch of this e-bus service will lead to a reduction in noise and air pollution, with far-reaching benefits for future generations. Furthermore, our state’s economy will experience notable growth,” he stated.He further emphasized that the implementation of this e-bus service would generate numerous employment opportunities for the population.
“This project will be instrumental in expanding the electric transport system within our state. Additionally, it will enhance our state’s cities by offering an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly transport system,” he added.
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